1. Fast Data

Landoop’s Fast Data CSD is an integration of the latest Apache Kafka, as provided by Confluent, into Cloudera. It includes apart from Kafka: Schema Registry, Kafka Connect and Kafka REST Proxy. It offers to cluster administrators a streamlined process to install, setup, manage and monitor a highly available and secure Kafka cluster with all the peripheral services that make Kafka a desired, modern streaming platform. Additional connectors are also provided in cloudera parcel format and new ones can be build within minutes.

With a few clicks you can setup your Kafka cluster; it is for all purposes a turnkey solution.

Custom Service Descriptors (CSD) files permit third parties to extend Cloudera Manager with new services which leverage the features of the platform such as monitoring, configuration, distribution, resource management, etc. They are complemented by parcels which is the mechanism to distribute software to a Cloudera managed cluster. Landoop provides both a Fast Data CSD and a set of parcels which work together. The CSD makes the installation of parcels almost transparent. Additionally we provide parcels for various connectors and even have a parcel build service, so you can package and distribute a Kafka Connect connector of interest to your cluster in a few clicks.


Fast Data Service view in Cloudera Manager

Despite the ease of the process, we still recommend an administrator with knowledge of the Cloudera Manager and if possible Kafka to attend the installation procedure. This is especially true if you care for special cases, like Kerberos and/or SSL support where you should familiarize with our guides beforehand. Depending on your support contract, we can guide you through the setup process.